man cleaning the tile of the pool

Tile Cleaning

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Cleaning your pool's tiles can be a tedious job and doing it yourself will only provide so-so results. So, why bother? By leaving it up to the professionals on our team you can ensure that the job is being performed properly, quickly, and with little to no involvement from you. Our pool cleaning services have been employed by hundreds of residential and commercial pool owners within the Glendale area over the years. We know how to provide exceptional results consistently that exceed our client's expectations.


The Process

The process involved in proper pool tile cleaning is much more involved than you might think. This is likely the reason that you may have never experienced a great deal of success when trying to accomplish the task yourself. It starts with dropping your pool's water level a few inches. This process allows us to see exactly where calcium deposits have accumulated. Once we have dropped your water level we use purpose-developed scrubbers and cleaning agents to give your tile a brand new look and feel. After which we polish the tile which makes it look shiny, clean, and inviting. The process will make your pool look and feel brand new all over again.



Calcium is the arch-enemy of your pool's tiles. Build-ups of calcium can occur in many different ways. If your pool's PH levels are too high for too long, it will greatly increase the chances of calcium buildup. Calcium also sometimes bleeds through grout lines on your tile especially if the underlying surface was not properly sealed during installation. Whatever the case may be, we have the solution. Our professional tile cleaning service will make your pool look brand new again for years without the need for us to come back and reclean.


Acid Washing Tiles

Acid washing for pool tiles is rarely required but incredibly effective if performed. This service involves draining the entire pool so that harmful chemicals are not introduced into the pool water. After which we spray a mixture of chemicals that have incredible calcium cutting characteristics. If your pool tiles have been neglected for many years, this may the best solution to bring them back to life. We look forward to visiting your pool to determine whether or not this service is required. Our team will always offer honest advice and present to you the most cost-effective and efficient options for achieving fantastic results.


Pool Monthly Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure that your pool tiles look fantastic all the time is to have our team inspect and potentially clean them on a monthly basis. When you sign up for our monthly maintenance program you will receive many services consistently. One of which involves ensuring that your pool tiles look fantastic and are performing as they should be. By allowing our team to take care of all of your pool-related needs on a monthly basis you will never have to think about pool tile cleaning again.

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